F.D.T. distributes GPS hardware in the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) industry. F.D.T. carries GenX Mobile’s full product line.
With more than 20 years of combined experience, F.D.T. understands the ins and outs of all GenX devices and conveys this experience to its customers.
F.D.T. is a leader in GPS Tracking products related to Fleet Management in North America, from hardware sourcing to final implementation.
Oriented specifically to Telematics Providers, F.D.T. is designed to facilitate the integration of GenX devices into the core business of its business partners.
With our 100% Hosted Solution, you can start your GPS Tracking business right now. We handle the rest.
F.D.T. integrates a comprehensive product line that services tha major carriers in America: ATT, Verizon.
With more than 30 years of combined experience in the industry, F.D.T. will provide the training and support to help you succeed.
We know business and understand how to help you grow in this competitive market. Call us now!
With our friendly GPS Tracking platform, our robust and reliable hardware, and a highly trained customer support team, all your GPS Tracking needs are fulfilled.
F.D.T.'s platform and hardware have enabled my business to provide a reliable and continuos service to my customers. With FDT I have developed a steady income based on a robust platform and a great service.
CEO, Jason Bour